the Back Story

Just like great tales, ours sprouts from brokedom, creativity, & a relentless urge for something more riveting... well actually it stemmed from a determined husband and a wife's need for a last minute gift. 

My husband is a 3rd generation welder- did we mention we like working with our hands. As a proud member of our local union, he has put in his time both at home & on the road- and by proxy so have I. It would not be exaggerating to say in the beginning, he commented endlessly that in all my free time I should make him some new welding caps. For almost the whole of his 5 year apprenticeship, he complained about the quality and variety of available welding caps. When his only options came from big box stores, he turned to locals selling their wives' handiwork on jobsites. Still he he was lacking the weird, bold, and, dare I say it, LOUD when it came to his caps. In his final year, I had enough. If he wanted weird & unusual, that's what he would get. They say necessity is the mother of invention and on one very tight Valentine's I finally gave in... I made the Fcking Caps. Did I know the would attract eyes all over the country? Did I know creating something ridiculous would make so many people smile? I certainly didn't know others would ever one day recognize my brand. Or that I would be fortunate enough meet a need! But here we are... 8 years later. I sincerely hope you enjoy my caps and that you stop by often to see whats new!  


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